The Principles of Mathematics (1903)

Chapter XXXVIII. Transfinite Ordinals

Table of Contents

  1. § 290. Ordinals are classes of serial relations
  2. § 291. Cantor's definition of the second class of ordinals
  3. § 292. Definition of ω
  4. § 293. An infinite class can be arranged in many types of series
  5. § 294. Addition and subtraction of ordinals
  6. § 295. Multiplication and division
  7. § 296. Well-ordered series
  8. § 297. Series which are not well-ordered
  9. § 298. Ordinal numbers are types of well-ordered series
  10. § 299. Relation-arithmetic
  11. § 300. Proofs of existence-theorems
  12. § 301. There is no maximum ordinal number
  13. § 302. Successive derivatives of a series