The Principles of Mathematics (1903)

Part VII. Matter and Motion

Table of Contents

  1. Chapter LIII. Matter

    1. § 437. Dynamics is here considered as a branch of pure mathematics.
    2. § 438. Matter is not implied by space
    3. § 439. Matter as substance
    4. § 440. Relations of matter to space and time
    5. § 441. Definition of matter in terms of logical constants
  2. Chapter LIV. Motion

    1. § 442. Definition of change
    2. § 443. There is no such thing as a state of change
    3. § 444. Change involves existence
    4. § 445. Occupation of a place at a time
    5. § 446. Definition of motion
    6. § 447. There is no state of motion
  3. Chapter LV. Causality

    1. § 448. The descriptive theory of dynamics
    2. § 449. Causation of particulars by particulars
    3. § 450. Cause and effect are not temporally contiguous
    4. § 451. Is there any causation of particulars by particulars?
    5. § 452. Generalized form of causality
  4. Chapter LVI. Definition of a Dynamic World

    1. § 453. Kinematical motions
    2. § 454. Kinetic motions
  5. Chapter LVII. Newton's Laws of Motion

    1. § 455. Force and acceleration are fictions
    2. § 456. The law of inertia
    3. § 457. The second law of motion
    4. § 458. The third law
    5. § 459. Summary of Newtonian principles
    6. § 460. Causality in dynamics
    7. § 461. Accelerations as caused by particulars
    8. § 462. No part of the laws of motion is an à priori truth
  6. Chapter LVIII. Absolute and Relative Motion

    1. § 463. Newton and his critics
    2. § 464. Grounds for absolute motion
    3. § 465. Neumann's theory
    4. § 466. Streintz's theory
    5. § 467. Mr Macaulay's theory
    6. § 468. Absolute rotation is still a change of relation
    7. § 469. Mach's reply to Newton
  7. Chapter LIX. Hertz's Dynamics

    1. § 470. Summary of Hertz's system
    2. § 471. Hertz's innovations are not fundamental from the point of view of pure mathematics
    3. § 472. Principles common to Hertz and Newton
    4. § 473. Principle of the equality of cause and effect
    5. § 474. Summary of the work