Chapter VI: The Ideal.
§ 129.
II. The consideration of this other question belongs properly to
the second
topic, which was reserved above for discussion—namely the topic of
goods. Mixed
goods were defined above as things, which,
though positively good as wholes, nevertheless contain, as essential
elements, something intrinsically evil or ugly. And there certainly seem to be
such goods. But for the proper consideration of them, it is necessary to take
into account a new distinction—the distinction just expressed as being
between the value which a thing possesses as a whole,
and that
which it possesses on the whole.
(§ 129 ¶ 1)
When mixed
goods were defined as things positively good
as wholes, the expression was ambiguous. It is meant that they were
positively good on the whole; but it must now be observed that the
value which a thing possesses on the whole may be said to be equivalent
to the sum of the value which it possesses as a whole, together
with the intrinsic values which may belong to any of its parts. In fact, by
the value which a thing possesses as a whole,
there may be meant two
quite distinct things. There may be meant either (1) That value which arises
solely from the combination of two or more things; or else (2) The
total value formed by the addition to (1) of any intrinsic value which may
belong to the things combined. The meaning of the distinction may perhaps be
most easily seen by considering the supposed case of vindictive punishment. If
it is true that the combined existence of two evils may yet constitute a less
evil than would be constituted by the existence of either singly, it is plain
that this can only be because there arises from the combination a positive good
which is greater than the difference between the sum of the two evils
and the demerit of either singly: this positive good would then be the value of
the whole, as a whole, in sense (1). Yet if this value be not so great
a good as the sum of the two evils is an evil, it is plain that the value of the
whole state of things will be a positive evil; and this value is the value of
the whole, as a whole, in sense (2). Whatever view may be taken with
regard to the particular case of vindictive punishment, it is plain that we have
here two distinct things, with regard to either of which a
separate question may be asked in the case of every organic unity. The first of
these two things may be expressed as the difference between the value
of the whole thing and the sum of the value of its parts. And it is
plain that where the parts have little or no intrinsic value (as in our first class of goods, §§ 114, 115), this difference
will be nearly or absolutely identical with the value of the whole thing. The
distinction, therefore, only becomes important in the case of wholes, of which
one or more parts have a great intrinsic value, positive or negative. The first
of these cases, that of a whole, in which one part has a great positive
value, is exemplified in our 2nd and 3rd classes of great
unmixed goods (§§ 120, 122); and similarly the Summum
Bonum is a whole of which many parts have a great
positive value. Such cases, it may be observed, are also very frequent
and very important objects of Aesthetic judgment; since the essential
distinction between the classical
and the romantic
styles consists
in the fact that the former aims at obtaining the greatest possible value for
the whole, as a whole, in sense (1), whereas the latter sacrifices this
in order to obtain the greatest possible value for some part, which is
itself an organic unity. It follows that we cannot declare either style to be
necessarily superior, since an equally good result on the whole, or
as a whole
in sense (2), may be obtained by either method; but the
distinctively aesthetic temperament seems to be characterised by a
tendency to prefer a good result obtained by the classical, to an equally good
result obtained by the romantic method. (§ 129
¶ 2)