Anarchism: A Millenial Dream


We have been receiving INSTEAD OF A MAGAZINE thru the kindness of some friend who supplied you our address. It is a pleasure to hear again from old intellectuals we used to know either personally or thru their writings. It brings back old times to read Jo Labadie, Parker Sercombe, John Beverly Robinson, Steven Byington, Nelli Carlin, Myra Pepper Weller and Herman Kuehn, all saying about the same things they did back in the nineties in the same old brilliant way.

Of late years we have worked with the Socialist Party because we believe socialism will be the next step in the evolution of society. We have both come to the conclusion that it is not best to get so far out of the current of general human thought and activity. *** We do not want to be inactive and think it best to keep in touch with the best radical thought available. So, tho wie still hold many of the old ideals we temporize by prating of rights and majorities and a rejuvenated state. Perhaps we also harbor other delusions the knowledge of which would doubtless cause our old plumbline friends to smile pityingly. To paraphrase Shakspere: There are more things in heaven and earth, friend Kuehn, than are dreamed of in your philosophy. Albeit, when we feel the need of mental stimulant we take down our old copy of Instead of a Book and set the wheels going round by comparing plumbline Individualism with the rest of the isms. Anarchism is the great ideal as an ideal, but so is the millenium; neither of them present a practical working hypothesis by which we can unite to overthrow capitalism and all its evil brood. All saints and sinner can do about either is to talk about it and descant on its desirability. That is all very fine but one never gets anywhere. What good does all your fine, logical reasoning do? You don’t vote, you won’t fight, you can’t convince the numbskull masses, and without the masses you can do nothing.

This article is part of a thread of conversation: The Numbskull Masses.