Epistle to Murray

[8]Epistle to Murray

Re: Last issue's article on Libertarian Goals.

Dear Murray,

Hope this letter finds you in good health and your usual good spirits. I like you, you’re a groove; not at all up-tight as I expected.

You made some remarks in the last L.C. that I am taking this opportunity to semi-publicly hash (no pun intended) out as it were; you seem to have the idea that somehow the technology that we have now will have survive a bloody confrontation between us, the forces of the new left, and the establishment (hereinafter reffered to as T.F.I. The Forces of Inanity). The only product I've seen from the two latter groups is destruction of technology. I'm damned sure the new left is going to try to do you in after or during the revolution. Don’t forget they have not renounced the initiation of force and people like ourselves are in the habit of pointing at naked emperors—quite annoying to emperors in or out of office.

You seem to regard the retreat concept as some sort of cop-out on the part of many libertarians; and I’m sure the vast majority of libertarians ( based on random sampling) regard life itself to be of greater value than any cause especially one in which one finds oneself ‘ at the barricades ’ with irrational collectivists on ALL sides. ( Redundant usage,irrational & collectivist ).

I’m sure if you had taken the time to read the survival articles ( I wrote two of them under anotherpseudonym ) in the INNOVATOR, you might have noticed that they dealt with how to survive as safely and comfortably as possible,rather than as rusticly as possible. I value my life above ‘civilization’ and have no desire to die with it if die it must.

Psychodelics— you haven’t used them, I have— you are one of the world’s great economists, I am a damn good psychologist with a strong academic background in bio-chemistry and physics— I prefer to take my own experimental data and the data of other physical and behavioral scientists ( non-TFI) when it comes to what I put into or refrain from putting into my biological system, which I groove on and love dearly. The flower children I’ve met who live in communes (volunteraly) are a hell of alot less coercive (not at all : some) than the new left characters I’ve seen on boath coasts. If you are wondering why I use the term new in quotes, scratch one ( a new leftist ) if they’ll let you, and see what you find underneath.

Love, Flowers & even weeds,
’til we meet again; × The Animal (His Mark).