Edited by
George Croom Robertson, M.A.,
Professor of Philosophy of Mind and Logic in University College, London.
Mind will be an organ for the publication of original researches, and a critical record of the progress made, in Psychology and Philosophy.
Psychology, while drawing its fundamental data from subjective consciousness, will be understood in the widest sense, as covering all related lines of objective inquiry. Due prominence will be given to the physiological investigation of Nerve-structures. At the same time, Language and all other natural expressions or products of mind, Insanity and all other abnormal mental phases, the Manners and Customs of Races as evincing their mental nature, mind as exhibited in Animals generally--much of what is meant by Anthropology and all that is meant by Comparative Psychology--will come within the scope of the Review.
The practical application of Psychological theory to Education will receive the attention it so urgently claims at the present time.
Beyond Psychology, account will be taken of Logic, Æsthetics and Ethics, the theory of mental functions being naturally followed by the doctrine of their regulation.
For the rest, Mind will be occupied with general Philosophy. Even as a scientific journal, it cannot evade ultimate questions of the philosophic order, suggested as these are with peculiar distinctness by psychological inquiry. There is, also, a function truly philosophical which only the investigator of mind is in a position to discharge, the task, namely, of collating and sifting the results of the special sciences with a view alike to insight and conduct. But Mind will, farther, expressly seek to foster thought of bold sweep--sweep that can never be too bold, so be that it starts from a well-ascertained ground of experience, and looks to come again there to rest.
Nor, in this connection, will the History of Philosophy be overlooked; whether as it involves the critical appreciation of the systems of thought more or less speculative, which eager minds in every age have been impelled to frame; or as it seeks to understand important thinkers in the record of their lives; or finally, as it may take note of what is being done or left undone in the present day at the intellectual centres where thought and inquiry should be most active.
Mind will include among its contributors some of the foremost workers in psychology and philosophy on the Continent and in America.
Writers will sign, and be alone responsible for, their contributions. Mind will not be the organ of any philosophical school, unless it be held the mark of a school to give prominence to psychological inquiry.
Correspondence will be printed if it communicates new facts of scientific importance or expresses reasoned opinions.
N.B.—The Review will not generally extend beyond 128 pages.
Mind, Vol.1, No.1
was edited by George Croom Robertson, and published in
in January 1876. It is now available in the Public Domain.