Emma Goldman’s Tour

The best laid plans of mice and men gang oft aglee, but so far as it is possible to figure out at present, the lecture tour of Comrade Emma Goldman will take place as follows:

Cleveland, at Memorial Hall, 521 Superior Ave., N. W.


Tickets and circulars to be obtained at the office of H. & N. Carr, Caxton Bldg.

Toledo, at Meredith Hall, corner Jefferson and Michigan.


Advance tickets and circulars to be had at the hall.

Detroit, at Prismatic Hall, 140 First St. (between Howard and Lafayette Boulevard).


At Duffy Hall, 64 Grand River Avenue.

Tickets and circulars to be had from Mr. J. C. Beutler, Randolph Hotel.

Ann Arbor, at Woodmen’s Hall, Main and Washington Sts.


Indianapolis, at Germania Hall, 37 S. Delaware St.


Tickets and circulars, at Thos. F. Snyder’s, 77 N. New Jersey St.

St. Louis, at Majestic Hall, Beaumont and Morgan Sts., 2700 West.


Tickets and circulars at the hall.

Chicago, at Oakland Music Hall, 40th St. and Cottage Grove Ave.


Tickets and circulars, at the office of Dr. J. H. Greer, 162 N. Dearborn St.

Admission, each lecture, 25 cents.

In St. Louis and Chicago, 15 and 25 cents.

Announcement of Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver lectures will appear in the March issue.

Emma Goldman

will also give six afternoon talks, showing the educational and social value of

The Modern Drama

at Lexington Hotel

22nd Street and Michigan Boulevard.

This course will begin Monday, March 17th, 3 P. M., and continue daily until Saturday, March 22nd.

Price for the course, including one year’s subscription to Mother Earth (monthly Anarchist publication) $3.00.

Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist, by Alexander Berkman, and other radical literature will be on sale at all the meetings.