Book III: The Moral Ideal and Moral Progress.
Chapter I: Good and Moral Good.
For an explanation and defence of this variation from the
doctrine of his master, Mill
appeals to the unquestionable fact that those who are equally acquainted
with, and equally capable of appreciating and enjoying, both, do give a most
marked preference to the manner of existence which employs their higher
as compared with one involving more sensual pleasures. They do
this, even
though knowing it to be attended with a greater amount of discontent.
naturally accept such an appeal because we cannot help thinking of the man whose
preference Mill describes, as better in himself than one more
and of the higher faculties
as intrinsically of more
value; in other words, because we regard the attainment of a certain type of
character or some realisation of the possibilities of man, not pleasure, as the
end by relation to which goodness or value is to be measured. But, on the
principle that pleasure is the only thing good ultimately or in its own right,
we are not justified in so doing. On this principle one man can be better, one
faculty higher than another, only as a more serviceable instrument for the
production of pleasure. On this ground it is open to the Utilitarian to argue
that a man who devotes himself to the exercise of such higher faculties
as Mill is here thinking of, produces a greater amount of pleasure on the whole,
all circumstances affecting that amount being taken into account, than does the
man who does not trouble himself about his higher faculties.
But it is
altogether against Utilitarian principles that a pleasure should be of more
value because the man who pursues it is better. They only entitle us to argue
back from the amount of pleasure to the worth of the man who acts so as to
produce it. (§164 ¶1)
If we rid ourselves then of all presuppositions, illegitimate on
Utilitarian principles, in regard to the superiority of the man or the faculties
exercised in what we call the higher pursuits, and if we admit that all desire
is for pleasure, the strongest desire for the greatest pleasure, what is proved
by the example of the man who, being competently
acquainted with both,
prefers the life of moral and intellectual effort
to one of healthy animal enjoyment? Simply this, that the life of effort brings
more pleasure to the man in question than he would derive from the
other sort of life. It outweighs for him any quantity of other pleasure of
which his nature is capable. The fact that he is competently acquainted
with both
sorts of pleasure can give no significance beyond this to his
preference of one above the other. He may be competently acquainted
animal enjoyments; but it does not follow that the pleasure they afford him is
as intense and unmixed as that which they afford to the man who makes them his
principal pursuit. The question of value then between the two sorts will have to
be settled by a calculation of amount, the intensity of each kind, as
experienced by those to whom it is most intense, being weighed against its duration and its degree of purity,
productiveness, and extent. The calculation is certainly very hard to
make—whether it can be made at all is a question to be touched on when
we come
to a more detailed examination of Utilitarianism—but it is the only possible
way, if pleasure is the sole and ultimate good, of measuring the comparative
worth of pleasures. The example of a certain man’s preference, unless we have
some other standard of his excellence than such as is relative to pleasure as
the ultimate good, proves nothing as to the superiority of the pleasure which he
chooses to another sort of pleasure preferred by some one else. It only proves
that it is more of a pleasure to him than is that to which he prefers
it; and this it only proves on supposition that the stronger desire is always
for the greater pleasure. (§164 ¶2)
§164, n. 1: Cf. Dumont’s version of of the Principles of Morals and Legislation (Hildreth’s translation), p. 31. ↩