Professor Wundt (who now holds the place of ordinary Professor of Philosophy in Leipzig, having been called thither from Zürich, where he has professed philosophy for the past year) will contribute to the next number of Mind an account, addressed to psychologists, of a new and original research on Reflex Action and the Mechanics of Central Innervation.(13 ¶ 1)
Simultaneously with Mind, a French philosophical journal, very similar in its scope, begins to appear. The Revue Philosophique de la France et de l'Etranger. (Germer Baillière) will be issued henceforth on the first of every month, under the direction of M. Th. Ribot, well-known in his country by his Psychologie Anglaise and other works.(13 ¶ 2)
Professor F. A. Lange, of Marburg, died on the 21st of November last. It was mentioned some months ago that his Geschichte des Materialismus was being translated into English. We should be glad to hear the statement confirmed.(13 ¶ 3)
Mr. Henry Sidgwick has recently been appointed Praelector of Moral and Political Philosophy in Trinity College, Cambridge. His lectures in this newly constituted post are open to the whole university.(13 ¶ 4)
Mr. James Ward has been elected to the first Fellowship in Trinity College, Cambridge, given for proficiency in the Moral Sciences only. The election was decided partly by an examination, partly upon dissertations which the candidates (4) were allowed about a year to write. Mr. Ward's subject was the Relation of Psychology to Physiology.(13 ¶ 5)
Mr. Herbert Spencer's First Principles, translated into German in 1874 (by Dr. B. Vetter), has begun to receive attention from the critical journals. The writer of a discriminating notice in the Literarisches Centralblatt (28th August, 1875) makes one very curious remark. Observing that Mr. Spencer does not cite Hume, the most important
of English thinkers, among the advocates of the relativity of human knowledge, he says the omission is not really to be wondered at, seeing that for well-known reasons it may still be precarious
to mention Hume's name to English ears. So hard is it for one nation to know the truth about another!(13 ¶ 6)
was edited by George Croom Robertson, and published in
Mind, Vol.1, No.1 (pages 156) in January 1876. It is now available in the Public Domain.