The Principles of Mathematics (1903)

Chapter X. The Contradiction

Table of Contents

  1. § 100. Consequences of the contradiction
  2. § 101. Various statements of the contradiction
  3. § 102. An analogous generalized argument
  4. § 103. Various statements of the contradiction
  5. § 104. The contradiction arises from treating as one a class which is only many
  6. § 105. Other primâ facie possible solutions appear inadequate
  7. § 106. Summary of Part I

§ 104 n. 1. On this subject, see Appendix.

§ 106 n. 1. The notion of class in general, we decided, could be replaced, as an indefinable, by that of the class of propositions defined by a propositional function.

§ 106 n. 2. On this point, however, see Appendix.