The Principles of Mathematics (1903)

Chapter XIV. Theory of Finite Numbers

Table of Contents

  1. § 120. Peano's indefinables and primitive propositions
  2. § 121. Mutual independence of the latter
  3. § 122. Peano really defines progressions, not finite numbers
  4. § 123. Proof of Peano's primitive propositions

§ 120 n. 1. Except Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (Jena, 1893).

§ 120 n. 2. F. 1901, Part II and F. 1899, § 20 ff. F. 1901 differs from earlier editions in making number is a class a primitive proposition. I regard this as unnecessary, since it is implied by 0 is a number. I therefore follow the earlier editions.

§ 120 n. 3. Throughout the rest of this chapter, I shall use number as synonymous with finite integer.

§ 121 n. 1. F. 1899, p. 30