The Principles of Mathematics (1903)

Chapter XLV. Projective Geometry

Table of Contents

  1. § 361. Recent threefold scrutiny of geometrical principles
  2. § 362. Projective, descriptive, and metrical geometry
  3. § 363. Projective points and straight lines
  4. § 364. Definition of the plane
  5. § 365. Harmonic ranges
  6. § 366. Involutions
  7. § 367. Projective generation of order
  8. § 368. Möbius nets
  9. § 369. Projective order presupposed in assigning irrational coordinates
  10. § 370. Anharmonic ratio
  11. § 371. Assignment of coordinates to any point in space
  12. § 372. Comparison of projective and Euclidean geometry
  13. § 373. The principle of duality